Suffering From Nose Problem. CT Scan Done. Should I Go For An Operation?
My sister was suffering from nose problem. I want to attach scanned copies of reports. Doctors were suggesting for operation. Can you please provide your openion.
Thank you for your query.
1. If you can upload the images of the Ct Scans (not the reports), I will be able to give you an accurate assessment.
2. A DNS (Deviated Nasal Septum) is very common and the decision to operate should be taken on her exact symptoms and after failure of medicines for six to eight weeks.
3. The CT Scan findings of March 2011 and January 2013 are similar except that she now has Right Maxillary Sinusitis. If this is mild, it should respond to medical therapy. What medication has she been given?
4. There are other options besides Sinus and Septal Surgery such as Radio-frequency nasal turbinate reduction and Balloon Sinuplasty available today.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.
Thanks for your reply.
We don't have latest CT scan but have x-ray. Is it possible to give your opinion with help of x-ray? If CT scan i required, can you please send me specification.
Please find symptoms of patient below:
1) Left nose is almost blocked with reddish spur inside. It is more effective during nights.
2) Pain is felt on left eye and over head when strong breath was taken
3) Thick cynus liquid (the sticky one) comes frequently from left nose.
Thank you for writing back.
1. The CT Scan Center will be able to provide you with a CD / DVD. It is not possible to give an opinion on a X-ray.
2. Her symptoms are only on the left (the side of the DNS) and not on the right (the side of the sinusitis). Hence if her DNS is severe and the spur is causing severe nasal obstruction on the left side, a Septoplasty operation will help.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.