Suffering From Phimosis. How Long Will It Take To Cure After Surgery?
Thank you for posting a query.
Look, in case of phimosis, you only need a simple operation. That is called circumcision.
Now, normally, a patient with phimosis is first examined clinically. Then some basic laboratory tests are done for getting fit for general anesthesia if required. After that the patient is admitted in hospital and on that day operation is done. Patient is kept under observation for 24 hours and then discharged.
So, overall, it will take 2 days for operation. After that you wil be able to do your daily works. But, for complete recovery, 15 days are enough.
Look, here I cannot name any particular hospital. But you can consult with a general surgeon for clinical examination and for further management.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.