Suffering From Stomach Pain With Burning Sensation And Constipation. What Could This Me?
Thank you for the query.
Depending of the pain location it can be peptic ulcer (upper abdominal pain, especially after a meal, sometimes associated with chest burning), gallstones (can be similar to peptic ulcer, however pain radiates to the back), groin, burning when urinating, frequent urinating), diverticulitis (lower left abdominal pain, sometimes associated with bloating, constipations), pregnancy, colon cancer (associated with blood or mucus in stool, weight lost, constipations/diarrheas), colon polyps (similar to cancer symptoms), IBS (can have all mentioned symptoms).
Depending of the other symptoms you should have abdominal ultrasound performed, full blood work with liver and pancreas enzymes, urine analysis. Endoscopy and colonoscopy might be necessary as well.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Thank you for the query.
So the most probable reason of your symptoms is diverticulitis of colon.This disease is closely related to constipations. Ovarian cyst or inflammation is also possible.
I suggest you to have abdominal ultrasound, full blood work and visit gynecologist for transvaginal ultrasound. If no findings in this tests colonoscopy should be performed.
Hope this will help.