Suffering From Typhoid Fever. Not Cured By Cefpodoxime 200 Mg, Paracetamol And Ofloxacin. Concerned
Thanks for posting your query.
Please do not worry.
Your wife is suffering from the typical fever present in typhoid infection.
It is common for the patient to get high fever upto 104 F mainly in the second week of illness . Such fever might be not much controlled by antipyretics like paracetamol .
However it is likely to resolve in the third week or after 14 days of onset .
The treatment going on is appropriate and you may take the following measures in addition to help her cope with the illness .
1. Give her plenty of water and other fluids ( ORS, juices , soups etc)
2. Give her a soft digestible diet khiccdi , vegetable with rice dal , idli etc
3. You may ask your doctor for prescribing stronger antipyretic like ibuprofen with paracetamol or mefenamic acid in case the fever is uncontrolled .
Hope I have answered your query.
Kindly accept my answer if you have no further queries.
Wishing her a speedy recovery.