Suggest Homeopathy Treatment For Severe Acidity

I've been suffering from acidity (burning sensation in throat & stomach and am also having lots of gas formation that is causing bloated stomach) for the last couple of months. I had this problem earlier as well, and I used to get relief after using antacids as per doctors advise.
I usually take home made healthy food and consume outside food just twice a month or so, not more than that. But, every time I have something from outside, the problem worsens.
I am looking for an alternative in homeopathy, so that I can cut down on antacids. Please advise.
symptomwise approach
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your health concern and I will answer your query in two separate issues but with similar management:
1. Acidity:
. Since you have already undertaken medicine for the same, do let me know whether investigations like gastroscopy/Barium meal/stool examination/ gastric analysis [if gastroscopy was normal] were done or you were managed symptomatically.
A . is acidity lifestyle related i.e.;
. occupation [poor posture]
. weight [over weight]
. addiction [coffee/alcohol]
B. is acidity related to food intake i.e.:
. fatty acid and fried foods
. acidic/citrus/spicy foods?
C. any unusual mental stress [work,worry ,weather]?
2. Bloating
. was any examination with Gynecologist or General Physician undertaken and if yes, were any Investigations [endoscopy/ultrasound/stool test] advised?
i. Are you taking high fibre diet?
ii. habit of taking sweet stuff?
PS. bloating is due to the bacteria in the intestines digest the sugar and produces gas.
iii. any history of acid reflux [present] /constipation?
PS. acid reflux/acidity is one cause and effect of bloating
iv. any Gastro eneterologist opinion?
v. any lactose intolerance?
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician

First of all, I want to let you know, I visited Gastroenterologist previously for this complaint, and he told me that it is acid reflux. I did not get any tests done, as it was cured within 10-15 days of taking antacids. Below are the answers for your queries:
1. Acidity:
A. I do not get enough time for exercise as I am working, and also manage all the household chores. I am slightly over weight, not addicted to Coffee / Alcohol.
B I usually take low oil, healthy home made foods, occasionally have fried foods.
C. I do feel stressed out some times due to the load of work at office and home, but as such, I do not have any mental stress.
2. Bloating:
I did not get any tests done.
1. I do not take any high fibre diet
2. I take sweets very limitedly
3. Had the acid reflux previously as well
4. The only suggestion from Gastroenterologist was, to walk for at least 30 minutes a day and cut down on spicy, sour, fried foods and milk products.
5. As far as I know, I do not have lactose intolerance
Diet & Prescription
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back
Dietary Regime & Lifestyle Management:
i. Avoid oily foods, avoid aerated drinks, smoking, overeating, peas, garlic , vinegar, sour and spicy food, excess water intake, undue physical exertion, chickpea flour, potato, onion, brinjal, tea/coffee, curd, day time sleeping.
ii. Take: green gram, pigeon pea, bitter gourd, white gourd melon, green vegetables, old brown rice, harad, honey , pomegranate, rice gruel, banana, butter milk, mint/coriander.
iii. Eating a little less than demanded by appetite is important, regular moderate meals.
iv. Do not lie down immediately after food. Take small, non bulky meal.
v. Head high position at night.
vi. Avoid gastric irritants [pain killers], and avoid periods of starvation [have regular meals]
vii. Avoid late night duties, take regular sleep and adequate rest.
viii. Avoid all chillies, chaat preparations, take plenty of raw and boiled vegetables, take rice with plain dal or milk or ghee
ix. Avoid sour fruits [citrus fruits, imli,grapes], take sweet fruits, dry fruits
i. Avoid swallowing of air, e.g. sipping tea, chewing gum, aerated drinks
ii. Eat slowly, avoid haste, chew properly and avoid overeating.
iii. Close the mouth while belching
iv. Avoid tubers like: potato, sweet potato, avoid flatulent foods like: harbara dal, chana dal, brinjal
v. Take easily digestible food. Wheat causes flatulence in many, so Roti [jowar] is preferred to chapatti [wheat]
vi. Vegetable and fruits contain fibre and should be taken in plenty
vii. Do not sleep immediately after food. Have a small walk after each meal. [for overweight also]
. avipattikar churan XXXXXXX lauha, patoladi kwatha,sutshekhar ras XXXXXXX XXXXXXX ras are result oriented prescription medicines for you
. Drink 4 spoons of aegle marmelos leaves juice for 14 days
. Banana,cucumber, water melon are natural antacids
. glass of warm water [early morning]
. suck 10 gm jaggery everyday [after meals] for constant acidity
. Abdominal exercises are very useful for chronic flatulence and chronic constipation
. Tablet Gasex, Tryodashang guggullu, lavan XXXXXXX churan,abhyarishta,lashunadi vati are oriented prescription medicines for you
. Principle is first fasting [langhan] then appetizer [deepan] and later Digestion [pachan]
Dr. Munish

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