What Causes Constipation And Severe Acid Reflux?
symptomatic approach is necessary
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern and since the said complaint is a symptom and not a disease itself, thus prior to treatment aspect you should consider following:
1. Investigate for:
. Stool for worms
. Hb% for anemia
. Ulttasonography for gall bladder
. Sigmoidoscopy/Gastroscopy ( if indicated)
2. As you have mentioned that symptom occurred more frequently after delivery i.e. post partum gas thus
i. is any gynecological examination taken to exclude pelvic floor damage [which might have cause anal incontinence]
ii. taking fibre rich diet can increase the amount of gas like excess of beans, carbonated drinks, processed foods,chewing gum,candies, apples,peaches, pears?
iii. any lactose intolerance,celiac disease
iv. make sure acute constipation is not a problem
3. General Instructions
. Avoid oily foods,aerated drinks
. Avoid smoking and Pan chewing
. Take easily digestible foods.
PS. Wheat causes flatulence in many so Roti is preferred to chapati.
. Avoid over eating, do not sleep immediately after food. Have a small walk after each meal.
. Avoid tubers like potato,sweet potato
. Avoid flatulent foods like harbara dal, chana dal, brinjal,curd, peas,beans.
4. Abdominal exercises are very useful for chronic flatulence and constipation.
5. Eating a little less, than demanded by appetite is important.
6. Tablet Gasex (Himalaya company) : take 1 tablet thrice daily, half hour after food.
PS. during this half hour you should walk around.
7. Take either abhyarishta,kaumaryasav, or draksharishta: 15 ml (3 tablespoon) with equal amount of water after meals.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician