Suggest Ideal Multivitamins To Strengthen The Body
Body absorbs only what it wants/is deficient
Detailed Answer:
Hi, XXXX welcome to healthcaremagic forum
I am Dr Deepak S Jois answering your query
I understood your confusion. Usually body needs these vitamins in a small quantity for different purposes including body building(growth) and metabolism (energy).
And body has a certain capacity to absorb certain vitamins in to the blood/ body. So, If you take more than the recommended quantity either your body
will not utilize it/absorb it leaving it to get excreted or will absorb it in excess causing side effects/toxicity.
Some of the vitamins which cause toxicity when taken in excess are
a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D etc
So, I would like to suggest you, to take these medications only in recommended quantity as suggested by your doctor for better health and not in excess. You can take multivitamin tablet A-TO-Z once a day for two months and leave it. It is available OTC.
Instead you can take plenty of green leafy vegetables and go for regular walk to regain your energy/strength.
Hope, I have answered your query well. Please let me know If I can be of any help to you further.
All the best.