Suggest Medication For Difficulty In Ejaculation
Is there any meds I could take to assist me in this situation?
ejaculation problem
Detailed Answer:
I admire you for positive outlook
Very glad to answering you
You have mentioned that you have ejaculation problem
But what kind of problem do you have??? premature ejaculation?? or delayed ejaculation??
Here by I consider it premature ejaculation because it is more common
If you have delayed than feel free to ask in follow up
Premature ejaculation can be treated with both psychologically and drug therapy
Psychological means
To learn how to stay long
Certain methods like women on top position
Stop and start method of sex is very good results , it is thought diversion technique use just before ejaculation. When you feel ejaculation soon stop doing sex and diver your thought from sex to other activities. It can hold you more but you can learn it by time.
Masturbating before sex can increase your time
proper fore play and understanding is needed
Kegel exercise by holding urine while urination for few seconds also useful
Use condom specially lubricated with benzocaine jelly
Drugs like dapoxetine, clomipramine in mild dose will help you to stay long
Hope you will get best
I m always here to help you
Please ask if any query
Thank you
Take care
Please advise. Thank you.
delayed ejaculation
Detailed Answer:
Hi dear
Very glad to answer you
Do you have feeling of ejaculation but it does not come out from penis??
If yes than it is retrograde ejaculation and occur mostly in prostate pathology
If you donot have this feeling means this is delayed than usual
R u on any medicine ??
Perticularly abidepressant etc???
Certain medicine produce ejaculation problem
Does it occur every time???
Than evaluation is needed
Consult urologist to rule out anatomical and other local problem
Still all of this depend upon several factors including age and physiological production of semen and hormones etc
Will here to help you
Thank you.take care