Suggest Medication For Persistent Dysuria And Frequent Urination
Can try urinary alkalinization
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Yes, you are right. What you have described sounds like you indeed have a UTI, though you have not provided many details.
Ideally you should get your urine analysis done, and uf there are significant pus cells, a urine culture and sensitivity should be done.
You can try Cap Nitrofurantoin 100 mg twice daily for about three days. Add Syr. Citra-alka thrice daily diluted with water after meals. For about three days, you can add an oral medication like Vesicare once a day, at the lowest dose which should help reduce urine frequency and urgency.
I am sure you will have relief soon, but you might have to change your antibacterial if the culture report suggests some other antibiotic.
Hope I have been of help .
For Vesicare, probably yes
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the alkaline citrate, and Nitrofurantoin may not need a prescription, but Vesicare could need a prescription. If that is difficult to obtain, you can try Tab. Flavoxate 200 mg thrice a day as an alternative. This is easily available, as Flavosoas or Urispas, lacks significant side effects, and can be tried for three days or till you get relief.
Best wishes.
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