Suggest Nutritional Supplements To Minimize Effects Of Radiation Treatment
fruits and vegetables
Detailed Answer:
The most suitable nutritional supplements to minimize the effects of radiation treatment and support immune system are fruits and vegetables which are loaded with essential vitamins and antioxidants that can help improve cell health and immunity.
Some of the best choices are red tomatoes, berries, carrots and dark, leafy greens.
Try juicing if you have trouble eating lots of veggies or if treatment has made chewing a challenge.
Incorporating beans in your diet is ideal because they are filling and offer nutrients that may reduce the likelihood of the cancer returning.
Avoid foods high in saturated fat .
Diets high in this type of fat may increase your risk of obesity, heart problems and returning cancer.
Saturated fats are in some plant sources, such as coconuts and palm oil, but are mostly found in animal-sourced foods. These include red meats and full fat dairy foods.
Limit or avoid intake of alcohol, as this may irritate the effects of treatment in addition to raising your future cancer risk.
Natural strategies for cancer patients
Detailed Answer:
I will recommend you to read the book Natural strategies for cancer patients by XXXXXXX Blaylock to help you navigate natural and nutritional strategies for breast cancer.
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