Suggest Precautions To Be Taken For Frozen Shoulder
RICE protocol and pain killers, nothing serious
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. I feel I should rightfully start by explaining what a frozen shoulder is. Frozen shoulder also known as adhesive capsulitis is a condition wherein the tendons, ligaments and bones that make up your shoulder joint become stiff and painful as a result of thickening of the capsule that holds all these elements together. This results in pain and stiffness of the shoulder joint.
Treatment usually includes pain relief with analgesics and physiotherapy. Only in extreme cases when the symptoms do not resolve themselves in about a year or two, do we consider surgery.
Now coming to your query, if your dog has indeed pulled your arm it may cause come amount of irritation, inflammation and pain in the joint. None of these should really be a cause for concern, and in my opinion the RICE protocol can be employed here, and so it would be wise to go about the following:
+Rest of the affected region
+Ice pack
+Compression: You can find a shoulder elastic bandage in the pharmacy which should help to reduce swelling and also improve stability of the joint. Please wear this during the day, and take it off before sleeping at night
+Elevation: Avoid lying down unless you are planning on going to sleep as this can increase swelling
+In addition to this, mild pain management medications can be used if the pain is intolerable
I would either way recommend a visit to your family doctor to get examined, but in my opinion there should be nothing serious to worry about. I hope you find my response both helpful and informative. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications, I would be more than happy to help.
Best wishes.