Suggest Remedies Doe Yellow Fever
My wife is going to Johannesburg, South XXXXXXX this month and I got her yellow fever vaccination done. however websites insists to carry malaria and typhoid medicines along with her. could you please suggest appropriate medicines.
Mefloquine & Typhoid vaccine.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Bhaswanth Kakani, Hi & Welcome.
Thanks for posting your query on healthcare magic.
In addition to Yellow fever there is a high risk of getting Malaria and Typhoid during the stay in South XXXXXXX hence as per WHO recommendation appropriate preventive measures should be taken by the travellers to this XXXXXXX country.
For the prevention of Malaria, your wife should take Mefloquine tablet once weekly. This should be commenced at least one week before entering South XXXXXXX & should be continued for 4 weeks after leaving that country.
Mefloquine is best taken at night after a meal, and with liquids. The principal contra-indications to the use of Mefloquine are a history of psychiatric problems or epilepsy.
Alternate medication is Doxycycline to be taken 100 mg per day, starting a day or two before travelling. Like Mefloquine it should be taken for 4 weeks after return. The drug should be taken after a meal, and washed down with plenty of liquid. It should be avoided in pregnancy and lactation (nursing mothers).
In addition to personal hygiene one dose of inj. Typhoid vaccine should be taken prior to travelling to ensure protection against Typhoid.
The above medications/vaccine need to be prescribed by a doctor.
Hope the suggestions given above would be useful.
Take care.