According to your description the possible causes of your
galactorrhea are:
- Some medicines, especially prolonged use of antacids, anti psychiatric drugs can lead to this.
- Continuous friction on nipples due to tight clothes
- Frequent checking for the secretion
- Elevated serum
prolactin levels due to pituitary microadenoma.
Among the drugs you used there is only one antacid, using only for a few days may not lead to this much effect.
To find out the possible cause, please consult your Gynecologist once and get examined.
By clinical examination and serum prolactin levels, the possible cause of your problem can be identified and treatment can be taken accordingly.
Avoiding tight clothes and frequent checking for secretion, using well fitted underwear can decrease the secretion.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Take care
Dr. Sree Gouri SR