Suggest Remedy For High BP While Reclining On A Chair
Today, I went to the dental hygenicist.While I was lying totally reclined in the dental chair, the dental hygenicist took my blood pressure.It was 133/90.What do you think?
I would explain as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking on HCM!
Facing recent medical history, first I would like to congratulate for your successful efforts and about your actual body fitness. You have achieved a great success.
When dealing with high blood pressure, it is very important to control body weight, as for every 10 kg reduction it is shown an average lowering of 5 - 20 mmHg.
This is the reason your doctor has decided to take you off antihypertensive drugs.
Now returning to your last concern (the actual BP reading of 133/90 mmHg), I would explain you not to worry too much, as it seems to be a white coat hypertension (that is a pseudohypertension induced by contacting a healthcare provider),
So, at first sight, I would recommend you just to keep monitoring your BP frequently, as these values (even if they persist) do not deserve medical treatment.
After gathering enough BP readings, you need to review them again to your doctor and make a decision about their clinical significance.
Meanwhile, keep going the right way, you have started; maintainn a healthy life - style profile and diet, keep engaging yourself on enough physical activity, avoid close smoking contacts, etc.
Hope to have been helpful to you!
Feel free to ask me whenever you need! Greetings! Dr. Iliri