Suggest Remedy For Pain During Bowel Movements
Last 3 days i m experiencing some pain passing initial stools and follows by longer spasms and feeling of incomplete defecation.
As u advised am taking glycerine supp with lidocaine as lubricant. Also still on sitz bath twice daily.
This pain ws similar i hd before starting Shield ointment almost a month ago.
The pain had almost gone n its return now is worrying me as i thot i was recovering well. Dont understand why this is happening inspite of all the care.
I hv rcd Probiotic Vsl3 & will start with 1 capsule
As discussed.
Detailed Answer:
Noted your feedback.
Please continue glycerine suppositories for easy passage of motion and sitz bath.
Carry on with the probiotic and multivitamins.
The most probable reasons for the pain passing initial stool and longer spams and feeling of incomplete evacuation may be:
- Stress and/anxiety.
- Sort of IBS as you have a feeling of incomplete evacuation too.
- Praoctalgia due to local inflammation or so.
Have you noticed any of the foods and/or beverages that has instigated this problem?
Any stress or anxiety?
I think it was one of the ointments you mentioned Nytroglycerin ointment 0.2% thrice a day and SHIELD ointment helped you.
Please try one on day 1 and another on day 2 and see it it helps and please let me know.
It would be wise to add on some medications like Ibuprofen in the beginning and see the effects. If required, a treatment on the basis of IBS can also be thought about.
I hope this answer helps you. Please use as we discussed and give me the feedback.
Have Sitz bath for longer time.