Suggest Remedy For Pain In Lower Abdomen Area Near The Pelvic Bone
treatment and management plan for pain abdomen
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health Care Magic.
Thanks for writing.
I am Dr.Saddiq-ul-abidin. I have read your question completely, i understand your concern and will try to help you in best way possible.
It would have been more appreciable, if we had known little more about any associated history like constipation, loose motions, nausea, vomiting or fever.
The area you are mentioning, is comparatively least concerning as it doesn't bear many vital organs, like in other parts of abdomen, though presence of intestinal loops and ureters, raises few eye brows, if pain is experienced here.
The final verdict can be given on careful examination, and you may be asked for an ultrasound by your GP for pelvis, abdomen and KUB. Certain blood tests like blood complete picture which can show raised WBC in case of intestinal obstruction or intususption, as well as in cases of small outgrowths in intestines called meckels diverticulum.
Urine examination may be needed if any urinary symptoms appear or if pain is colicky in nature.
Abdominal xray for air fluid levels or other signs of intestinal pathologies may be asked.
At this moment, you can get symptomatic relief with antispasmodic medications like drotavarine.
A detailed examination by a surgeon may be needed, if symptoms persist or increase in intensity.
I hope this answered your question.If you have more queries I am happy to answer.Otherwise close the discussion and rate my responces.
Dr.Saddiq ul abidin.