Suggest Remedy For Persistent Nerve Pull In Leg
Active stretching exercises would help. Take juicy fruits.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
I have gone through your query. What you think to be a 'nerve pull' is actually a muscle pull. It is actually due to muscle pull which indicates that the tone of the concerned muscles are increased. This could actually be associated with some lack of oxygen at the time of birth which could have caused damaged to certain nerve cells that regulate this muscle tone.
The treatment is physiotherapy. Even though it might be painful, you need to aggressively do active stretching exercises of all the concerned muscles. Get in touch with a physical therapist who can guide you about the right techniques for the exercises. He would also be able to define a proper regimen for you.
Another thing to do is to take plenty of juicy fruits like citrus fruits. They contain plenty of potassium which help in proper muscle contraction.
Hope that helps.
I practice foot ball regularly. When I am done, I warm down my body, go home and take rest by sitting or lying for 30 mins and then when I try to stretch or put strain during my routine work for example washing my feet by keeping it on a table height slab I get this uneasy pain, where I feel a nerve is being pulled and two fingers on my foot overlap and the pain lasts for a minute .
Anybody could get such pains - not only ones involved in sports activities
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back. I understand what you say. Let me reassure that anybody can get muscle spasms. It is not necessarily sports persons who get such spasms. The brain exerts an inhibitory effect on the muscle contractions. When due to some reason this inhibition is lifted, the muscles go into a contracted or semi contracted state and the pull is felt. Although nerves conduct the sensations, they themselves do not have any nerve supply or do not have any contractile properly. Hence even if a nerve would have contracted or damaged, it would not generate any sensation. All the sensation would seem to be felt in the areas where the nerve fibres end.
Stretch exercises would provide you relief.