Suggest Remedy For Quesy Stomach And Pain
Pink stool is likely blood, food related
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Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Bowel habits are a challenge and once in a while color change is no worries. Any thing close to red or pink is likely blood in stools.
As you said you ate nuts with cenneye peppers in it. So that probably explains it. Just avoid it in future, take fibrous diet, and use soft meal plans. One episode is not worrisome. But if it persists for more than three days then it will need some consultation and detailed clinical correlation to assess the damage here but i am sure it wont come to that.
I hope ot hleps. take good care of yoursefl and dont forget to close the discussion please.
may the odds be ever in your favour.
3 days
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for getting back to me
Smelly gas and flatulence is a common complaint inf ucntional bowels and at yoru age they are very common. And slight dietary adventures may result in exacerbation. Just avoid dairy products and use plenty fibers. And wait for 3 days. If symptoms do not subside then you may go and see your doctor. Diet and lifestyle modifications are all you need right now.
Take care