Suggest Remedy For Severe Body Tremors
Please tell a few details.
Detailed Answer:
Hi xxxxxxxxxx,
Thanks for being on
I am Dr.Ajay Panwar,a neurologist,here to answer your query.
I would surely like to answer your query with my best concerns but I need to know a few details beforehand-
1)When did you have this fall and hit to the head?
2)Are you having persistent symptoms since then or the symptoms improve intermittently?or are they worsening gradually?
3)Are you having tremors in whole body or restricted to specific body parts?If yes,which body parts?
4)Do you have any other medical history like Diabetes,Thyroid disorder,hypertension or any other disease?
I shall be glad to have you in follow-up with the above details so that I can answer this query well.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
Oct.2014 MRI of brain was negative
March 2015 Betahistine prescr. removed the dizziness, balance is back.
But tremors remain - always stronger if exercise is attempted.
It forces very sedentary life
Also no Diabetes or any other medical problems in my life
Anxiety/Thyroid disorder/Alcohol-Neurological examination
Detailed Answer:
Hi xxxxxx,
Thanks for being in follow-up and providing further details.
You have been quite comprehensive in providing your clinical details but still,this history does not appear to be giving any clue to the cause of shakiness of the body.Head injury should not cause this and alternative causes have to be given a consideration for,which can commonly be-
2)Thyroid disorder
See if any of the above applies to you.If thyroid status is not known,you need to get thyroid function tests done.
Additionally,dizziness with tremors needs evaluation based on a syndromic approach.So,please visit a neurologist in person and get yourself physically examined.
If you have further questions,I shall be glad to have you in follow-up.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,
Anxiety ? What would the remedy be? How would I know it?
I am upset that no one listens or believes how I feel and cry about it a lot.
But it is after the fact - so it's not the cause of the tremors.
Thyroid? All I know about is it is in neck region.
Could the fall cause something to be out of place in the neck?
If yes , who do I see to correct it safely?
I do have loose ligaments and easily dislodge bones (wrist, etc.)
Thyroid function tests and Neurological examination.
Detailed Answer:
Hi xxxxxxxx,
Thanks for being in follow-up and providing further input.
You should get the 'Thyroid function tests' done from a reliable pathlab.It is not necessary that neck swelling or mass is visible in case of a thyroid dysfunction.
Also,as I said,you should visit a Neurologist in person and get yourself physically examined.
Loose ligaments and bones problem should not be the cause of your symptoms.
If you have any further questions,I shall be glad to answer else please close the thread,rate it and write a review as your rating will be of help to me.
Dr.Ajay Panwar,