Suggest Remedy For Severe Itching In Penis
Circumcision may be needed
Detailed Answer:
What you have described are the classical features of what we term 'chronic balanoposthitis', and if it looks like it is troubling you significantly, you will have very good benefit from having a small surgery done called Circumcision where the extra foreskin will be removed, and after a while, there will no issues of poor hygiene.
If you are not too keen on surgery, you can try using medications like oral fluconazole 200 mg once daily along with a local ointment such as clotrimazole which usually will work on mild cases.
It would also be a good idea to get your blood sugars and HbA1c checked which if on the higher side can cause you similar trouble. Such patients will need to control their glucose intake, and exercise regularly, and indeed if sugars ate very hoghbe started a n medicines. At your age, I expect things yo be normal unless you have a strong family history of diabetes.
Hope I have been of help.