Suggest Remedy For Severe Pain When Suffering From Diverticulitis
chronic pain may occur with diverticular disease
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
It is understandable to be concerned but if colon cancer was present, some changes should have shown on the CT.
Colon cancer is a slow growing cancer, this is the reason that the screening tests (except for the stool test) is done ever 5 to 10 yrs depending on the test done.
Changes should have shown on the CT and if you've had any other colonic tests within the last few years that were normal, this further reduces the chance of colonic ca.
This would include barium enema, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy.
Augmentin does cause vaginal yeast infections. This is a possible side effect of most antibiotics because they cause a change in the normal vaginal flora.
It does not normally cause a similar reaction in the bowel.
Diverticular disease can be associated with chronic abdominal pain, bloating and a change in bowel habits in some persons.
It is likely that the pain that you are experiencing is the chronic pain that can occur with this condition.
Treatment: (1)Bacterial (not yeast) overgrowth can occur in some persons. Treatment with a specific antibiotic that is not absorbed into the blood but stays in the intestine to work may help
The name of this medication is rifaximin
If the discomfort continues, you can speak to your doctor about this option
(2)probiotics have also been found to be helpful either on their own or in yogurts with probiotics
(3)anti inflammatory medications such as mesalamine have also be studied in diverticular disease .
They help with both the acute (short term breakouts) episodes and also in managing chronic issues that may occur.
I hope this helps , feel free to ask any other questions
colonscopy is gold standard
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Yes, the caliber would refer to the continuity and integrity of the structure of the colon.
It appeared intact with no problematic areas except for the diverticular disease.
The colonoscopy is the gold standard, this is the reason, it only needs to be repeated every 10 yrs unless there is a family history.
In terms of the heat and relaxation techniques, heat has an anti spasmodic effect (helps to relax any contraction), if there is still inflammation present then it may be associated with involuntary contraction of any superficial or deeper abdominal muscles or bowel.
The heat may possibly help in this way.
Please feel free to ask any thing else
it is possible
Detailed Answer:
Yes a bland diet should help, you can also consider the probiotics to see if this would also help you.
IBS is a common cause of persistent abdominal symptoms , it is a possible cause if you meet the criteria for it.
It is diagnosed with the ROME criteria which require the presence of certain symptoms before the diagnosis can be made.
One of the criteria - pain for at least 3 days a month for 3 months associated with other symptoms such as relief of pain with bowel movements, change in appearance of stool, change in the frequency of stool , bloating etc
The colonoscopy would help to confirm that there are no cancerous lesions and would assess the status of the diverticular disease and determine if it is only in the area seen on CT or more extensive.