Suggest Tests To Diagnose Recurrence Of Prostate Cancer
What is the indication for doing biopsy again?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been diagnosed to have cancer of the prostate and have been treated with radiation in 1990.
I personally do not find any rational to do biopsy again when you are already diagnosed to have cancer of the prostate.
There are other tests that can detect recurrence of disease locally or spread of the disease to surrounding structures or distant metastasis by C,T Scan ,Bone Scan or MRI and blood test for serum PSA.
If at all you want to get it done it is advisable to do it in operation theater for your safety and to avoid infection .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
I realize that I am 84 years old. Today, I am strong enough to do my own yard work, run a 20 yard dash with teen football players, and go about my business without any problems.
I am a diabetic. I have frequent bouts with diarrhea or constipation. I regret to say that I have never had a colonoscopy (I did not heed my wife's advice.) I know my inaction classifies me as a dummy. Thank you for your information/opinions.
Please continue moderate work that you are used to now .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for followup.I feel sorry for your concern .I am praised by tour attitude towards life at the age of 84 years .Continue your physical activities and have enjoyable time for rest of your life
Thanks and Regards.