Brief Answer:
need further clarifications
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern and following point(s) and causes are worth mentioning for necessary Ayurveda Management of your problem:
A. Using the term ED [erectile dysfunction] makes it clear that other problems which interfere with sexual intercourse and reproduction,and problem with ejaculation/orgasm are not involved.
B. ED can be a total inability to achieve erection,an inconsistent ability to do so,or a tendency to sustain only brief erection.
3. ED usually is treatable at all ages, thus do let me know about:
i. Psychological Factors: such as
anxiety, guilt,
depression,low self esteem, and fear of sexual failure
ii. Anxiety performance [are you in any relation]?
iii. fear of rejection by wife [are you married]?
iv. feeling of guilt [any childhood impression that sex is bad]?
v. any job pressure [over stress], addiction to alcohol,
nicotine or opiates?
5. as you have told that cause is psychological, does it imply that it was considered after relevant examination/consultation with a doctor to rule out physical causes of the same? [
hormonal profile and endocrinal tests]?
6. start with perineal exercises: while urinating, stop the flow of urine, start again, stop & start again 4-5 times.
7. take: milk and milk products, ghee, makhan, cheese, curd, XXXXXXX black grapes, pears, raisins, dates, almonds, walnut, mango, pomegranate, carrot, banana, apricots, musk melon, amla, coconut, pistachio, turnip, potato, onion, lady finger, radish, old brown rice, peas,garlic, bottle gourd.
avoid: sour and
cold substances, tobacco [in any form], brinjal, tandori roti, red chilies, heavy and food which require long hours to digest, jaggery and its items, deep fried food.
PS. Before prescribing medication for ED, patient should be evaluated for any cardio vascular diseases, thus have an appointment with a Cardiologist for any potential risk of a cardio vascular event, so that Ayurveda medicines/herbs can be incorporated in your daily routine.
Dr. Munish