Suggest Treatment For Hepatitis C Genotype 4 With Grade 3 Esophageal Varices
get liver transaplant if feasible
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for putting your query in HCM.
I appreciate your concerns regarding you father. I hope he has achieved SVR that is sustained virological response that is viral load negative after 6 months of therapy. But he is having cirrhosis with Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE).
The treatment available for him his either liver transplant if feasible for which evaluation is required.
If he is not eligible for that then only symptomatic treatment is to be given. Give him high protein and high caloric diet. Make sure he pass 2 to 3 stools per day by titrating the dose of Lactulose syrup . Keep in touch with your doctor so that if he developes any abnormality he has to be checked immediately.
I hope I have answered your query and this will help you, wish him a good health.
ledipasvir is not available in XXXXXXX presently
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back. No doubt ledipasvir and sofosbuvir will now be trratment of choice now. Two issues are there in that one first check his viral load that is HCVRNA only if it is positive then he requires the treatment. Second presently it is not available in XXXXXXX may be within 6 months it will be available. Indication for liver transplant is first sign of decompensation as in your father is hepatic encephalopathy and this liver transplant has two prerequsite. 1. Donor one of the first degree relative has to donate around half of the liver. 2. Cost. Without transplant also he can be treated but the risk of complications will be there. Wish him a good health.