Suggest Treatment For A Swollen Lymph Node Below Lower Left Rib
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female/45 - swollen painful lymph node - right of lower left rib - there are others - smaller and tender - concerned about lymphoma - as you have tenderness above left breast/armpit - which the Doctor has said to be due to hormone fluctuations - doing an MRI - there is history of chronic sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis ...
As per the history you have provided, there are swellings on the right side of the left lower rib. There are no lymph nodes in this area at all.
This means the swelling may be due to sebaceous cysts or lipomas or so.
This can be confirmed by the following:
Clinical evaluation, examination by a General Surgeon.
High resolution Ultrasonography and FNAC if required for confirmation.
Since there are no lymph nodes in this situation there can not be a lymphoma, so please stop worrying about these.
Your Doctor has apparently said right, as again there are no lymph nodes in the area your described as - above left breast/armpit. It may indeed be due to the breast changes as per the hormonal status.
I hope this answer helps you to clear your doubts and helps you with the most proper diagnosis and management.
Please feel free to ask for further relevant queries and post the reports of MRI or any other investigations.