Suggest Treatment For Chest Pain And Heartburn
Antacid, regular meal, avoid spicy foods, check for Helicobacter Pylori, Dr
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I understand this could be disturbing, considering the fact that you are experiencing for the very first time. Many factors could explain this.
- If you have been stressed especially lately, this could lead to gastritis and heart burn. It might also important to check the foods you just ate lately. An increase in the amount of spicy foods could explain heart burn in some persons. Staying for so long on an empty stomach should also be considered.
Medication on its own could explain heart burn. This might be palliated however by eating first before taking drugs.
It might be important for a start however to this pain first by simple starting with antacids. Most of these like Rennie, Gaviscon, Alluminium Hydroxid are sold over the counter.
In case your symptoms persist, you might have to see the doctor. A clinical review might lead the doctor to add another drugs like one that can reduce acid secretion, general called proton pump inhibitors (like Omeprazole). If you fail to respond, your doctor might have to change your medication in some extreme situations. It might be worth checking for infections like Hlicobacter Pylori , which is an easily treatable condition that causes heart burn and chest pain in many patients.
Avoiding spicy foods, gas containing foods like Colas and Caffeine, eating healthy and not staying so long on an empty stomach, taking drugs thirty minutes after a good meal are important. These could starting points as you use over the counter antacids first. In case these persist or aggravate, you might need to see your doctor for a proper clinical review and possibly a chest X ray.
Do you have the impression of fluid sour getting to the mouth or regurgitation? This might be acid re-flux and antacids and proton pump inhibitors might be sufficient.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish you the best of health. Please, do feel free asking further questions in case of need.
Dr Bain