Suggest Treatment For Chronic Diarrhea Along With Burning Sensation And Intermittent Bleeding
proper evaluation, exclude infection , colon disease, foot intolerance
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query
It is imperative to get a proper evaluation of the diarrhoea as this could easily lead to malnutrition and have serious consequences on your health and immune system.
Presence of blood requires that a stool examination be done and a culture done. Some bacteria like salmonella and parasites can cause this . with this test, they can easily be indentified and appropriate drugs prescribed .
It is important to consider consulting a gastroenterologist for food intolerance. Some foods can cause you to have chronic diarrhea like gluten containing foods.
Problems at the level of the colon could also lead to chronic diarrhea. Diseases like a crohns disease should be checked . a special test called a coloscopy might be required to properly check the status of the colon and if there are any abnormalities.
I strongly recommend you book an appointment with the gastroenterologist for a proper clinical review.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish you the best of health. Please, do not hesitate asking specific follow up questions in case of need.
Dr Bain