Brief Answer:
It is
migraine, start medicine & you will be fine
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to HCM!
I have read your question and from my clinical experince I can say that --your symptoms are suggestive of severe migraneous
headaches & it is completely manageable. It is on of the most common clinical symptoms seen in females.
I think that you need to start medicine if you are not taking any right now...I have seen excellent response with dothiepin, in dose of 25-100 mg, taken preffrably at night.There can be some sedation with it initially, but it weans off with time.. this drug also takes care of mood changes and anger you are having.
For acute attacks-- I prefer giving
naproxen sodium with
domperidone 500 mg SOS ( upto two times a day) or almotryptan. or rizatryptan
You should also avoid triggers of migraine - like donot stay hungry, avoid sudden changes in temperature, reduce tea/ coffee/ chocolate and citrus fruits intake...
It will help to get some tests - blood pressure, sugar levels,
lipid profile and X Ray neck (to rule out
cervical spondylosis).
Donot worry, you will be fine, see your doctor and discuss the above points.
Hope the reply is useful
Please feel free to ask more questions for clarifictaion
Dr. Manisha Gopal
MD psychiatry