Suggest Treatment For Cough, Cold And Running Nose
Your doctor prescription is standard
Detailed Answer:
Maxtra is antiallergic drops (chlorpheniramine plus phenylephrine), similarly montair LC is good agent to stop cold.
Maxtra or Montair LC either of them should be fine. Saline drops in the nose is good to clear the mucus and ease the breathing. You can also buy a mucus sucker with thin nozzle to suck off the extra mucus coming out of the nose. This will help her breath and sleep properly. If the baby is feeding by breast / bottle proper burping has to be done for 15 min after every feed. Cover her thoroughly in woollen or old saree type clothes.
If there is temperature over 100 degree you can also use calpol drops 1 ml .
The baby should be fine in 5 days with these measures.