Suggest Treatment For Cracked Skin On Penis And Scrotum
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In a diabetic patient, any wound should be taken seriously and provided with adequate healing environment especially avoiding any primary or super imposed infections. The cracked skin on penis and scrotum needs to be examined. If appropriate, kindly upload an image of the area to have a better idea of the severity and advise accordingly. Let me know if you want me to answer without the help of an image to give you the necessary guidelines.
Wishing you best of health
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Dr. M.S. Khalil
I try to leave it alone and let the skin scab or repair itself but it's diffecult especially after washing. I try not to scratch but it's it's difficult.
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Hello again.
Dry scrotum/penile skin with cracking are likely to be due to dermatitis, eczema or a fungal infection of the skin. Keep the groin and scrotum area hair free, loose cotton undergarments should be used. Anti perspiration preparation should be used to avoid exposure to too much sweat in the groins. The hydrocortisone cream should be combined with topical anti fungal like clotrimazole or fenticonazole. Topical calamine and permethrin can be used to have relief from itching. Hydrex gel can be used to keep the area lubricated. Antihistamines such as hydroxyzine can be used for severe itching. Any open cracking or sore should warrant topical and systemic antibiotics, in consult with your doctor. Consult a dermatologist for further management.
Wishing you best of health
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Alum water application in the groins and scrotal adjoining skin can be helpful.
Triclosan containing antibacterial soap should be used to clean the area. Deodorant spray containing aluminium and zirconium will help. You may ask your local pharmacies to give you options of brands containing these contents as they may vary from place to place.