Suggest Treatment For Dermatitis
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
The best thing for treating your dad's stasis dermatitis depends on what the skin looks like (such as if there are open lesions and ulcers, etc), and how extensive it is.
I'd say it would likely be ok to use the Noble Formula with Hydrocortisone providing the medicine is a clean tube or tub and you use clean techniques to apply it. I say this because I want to be cautious about infecting any open wounds.
Since this preparation does contain a steroid, it is best not to use it for a long duration (several days is ok) or for a large area. Prolonged use of steroids causes it to be less effective. Also, it can cause some skin thinning and predispose to ulceration. The Noble formula is a fairly low dose of steroid though, but still be cautious this way.
Weeping lesions can be treated with wet to damp gauze dressings soaked with water.
Plain white petroleum jelly (again, use a fresh tub or tube so as not to contaminate any openings), is actually a pretty good occlusive skin moisturizer which can be used long term.
I'm sure you already know that he should elevate his legs as much as possible.
So in answer to your question: yes, you can use the Noble formula for a few days - beyond that, check with your dad's doctor who has seen the degree of stasis dermatitis that your father has.