Suggest Treatment For Dysgeusia And Deep Dry Cough
Thank you.
you are having aspiration
Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome to healthcaremagic,
There are many causes for dysguesia (altered taste sensation), but since your symptoms developed after a fall in which you injured your head, head injury is the most possible cause. Loss of taste or altered taste after head injury is also usually accompanied by loss of smell as well. Some improvement can be expected for a few months after the incident.
You are coughing or choking while eating is because you are aspirating the food that you are eating. The food is entering into your windpipe and causing coughing and choking. In the elderly, the commonest cause for this is a stroke.
I would definitely advise you to see a physician at the earliest. The taste and smell functions have to be tested by an ENT. You will most probably require an MRI scan to look for infarcts in your brain that may be responsible for your present symptoms.
Till then you can take zinc supplements. They are known to help in taste disorders. I do not expect them to work much for you but it can be tried just the same. Till you see your physician be careful while you eat. Aspiration can produce pneumonia.
Feel free to follow up,
Dr Rajkishori Godhi MS ENT
have to review the aspirin and bioidentical hormones for tatse disturbance
Detailed Answer:
The disturbance in taste can even be because of the aspirin or the bioidentical hormones that you have been taking. Taste disturbance is not a common complaint with bioidentical hormones or aspirin but taste disturbance can occur with almost any medicine. Please talk to your doctor and consider changing your medicines, it is worth a shot.
The heaviness in the chest and the wheezing and the coughing is probably because of aspiration.
Dr Rajkishori Godhi MS ENT