Suggest Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction In Diabetic Patient
Can be managed------------------------------------
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the forum.
Erection occurs due to combination of complex mental, neurological and vascular phenomenon.
The older the person gets the erection usually is not as good as before due to vascular disease.
The reasons i understand in your case is diabetes.
Diabetes, as you might be aware, is a vascular disease which damages the blood vessel walls. As a result coronary events and erectile dysfunction are quite common.
Since diabetes is not curable , things that could help you are.
1. Strict control of sugar levels.
2. Regular exercise , about 30 minutes 5 times a week.
3. Light food before having sex.
4. Supplementation of L- Arginine , which is a pre-cursor for nitric oxide that causes the opening up of the blood vessels for normal erection.
5. Erection enhancing medicines like sildenafil or its derivatives.
Hope this helps, Kindly get back for doubts if any,
Details are given below---------------------------
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
L Arginine is available as such - as 1000 mg capsules at XXXXXXX and walgreens. Must be available in pharmacies as well.
The dose is 3 grams a day taken at the same time. It is also available as 3 gram powder form-sachet - the whole content needs to be mixed with drinking water and consumed once a day.
It needs to be taken for atleast one month and can be taken upto 6 months.
Its effect is enhanced by taking sildenafil along with it.
Sildenafil can be started at 50 mg about 3 hrs before the planned intercourse.
It can be taken upto 100 mg twice a week. It is a prescription medicine.
Head ache is a known side effect.
Hope i have made things clear.