Suggest Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction
Need of change in medicines for BP,see thetreatment for ED
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir,
Thanks for writing to us.
In most of the patients with high blood pressure erectile dysfunction occurs sometime in life.
Blood pressure itself responsible for erectile dysfunction as well some of medicines for hypertension are also responsible for the same. Atenolol is one of them. Your medicine for blood pressure contains atenolol and amlodipine. Ask your doctor to change atenolol with increasing dose of amlodipine or adding some medicine from ACE inhibitor group like telmesartan.
With these I used to give tetrafol plus. It helps in erectile dysfunction in patients with hypertension in diabetes. I get response in my 50-60% of patients. It contains vitamins like pyridoxine, mecobalamine and mefolate which help in dilatation of penile vessels.It has no side effects and it should be taken one tablet after meal two times up to 20 days. If you feel response continue it for 2 months.Mostly you can get the same without prescription.
Other medicines are from 5-PDE inhibitor group. Among them tadalfil is good drug for patients with hypertension. It should be taken before 2 hours of sex. It is prescription drug and it must be taken according to doctor's advice.You need to consult doctor/psychiatrist/sexologist for the same.
If you are from XXXXXXX ayurvedic product like tentax forte may help. However being patient of hypertension you should consult good ayurvedic physician for knowing how to take the same.
Hope I have answered your query, I will be happy to help further.
Regards, Dr.Chintan Solanki.