Suggest Treatment For Gastroenteritis
Detailed Answer:
Most likely it is Gastroenteritis or Stomach flu. Gastroenteritis, is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that involves the stomach and small intestine. Signs and symptoms include some combination of diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Fever, lack of energy, and dehydration may also occur. However it is not necessary that all symptoms are present in every patient.Ultra sound scan of abdomen should be done. A stool routine and microscopy should also be done to rule out the if bacterial infection is there or not.If bacterial infection is there sghort term antibiotic treatment would also be given.
Our gut consists of its own environment of micro organism called gut flora.They are responsible for proper digestion of food.Once this flora is deplished by toxins released by bacteria many of G.I symptoms like bloating belching vomiting constipation loose stools etc can be there.
i would suggest you to take a good probiotic for 1 week. This will again replenish the depleted flora. Once the flora is replenished intestinal motility and secretions will be improved. Tablet Pantoprazole (40mg once daily before breakfast) can be taken along with it to provide relief.Drink a lot of fluid and electrolytes to replenish the level in blood,Ache in muscles is because of potassium lost in vomiting and loose motions.
Apart from medicines some suggestions are-
Eat a lot of fiber in diet 30-40 gram per day.
Have ispaghula husk 2 tsf twice daily.
Drink a lot of orange juice and coconut water.
Eat lot of vegetable and fibrous fruits like oranges and pears.
No smoking or alcohol.
No burger, pizza, over fried or spicy food.
Take lots of yogurt in diet.