Suggest Treatment For Headaches And Dizziness Along With Stress
May I ask your opinion ,
if remain concerned should seek second opinion
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Since the symptoms are ongoing, it is understandable to be concerned but it can sometimes take time for all the symptoms to resolve.
It is true that bleeding can occur days after an injury but this is more likely in elderly persons or persons on anti coagulant medications (medications to prevent clotting).
This is known as subacute subdural hematoma or epidural hematoma.
The symptoms are severe headache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, decreased consciousness, abnormal gait, memory loss, problems with speech, problems with thinking.
There are certain criteria that are used to determine if anyone needs a CT scan after a head injury: seizure, signs of a basal skull fracture (reason checked ears and eyes), fracture of other aspect of skull, more than one episode of vomiting
Your doctor would have examined you to determine if any of these criteria are present to see if a CT scan is present.
If you remain concerned about your symptoms despite the normal examination then you should seek a second opinion.
The other option would be to wait an additional 12 to 24 hours to see if there is any change.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
normal progressively worsen
Detailed Answer:
In most cases of the symptoms would be ongoing and would become progressively worse.
Normally the headache would be severe.
In terms of the stiffness, I would hope or expect that this would have this would have been assessed by your doctor. Neck stiffness is most commonly associated with meningitis though it can be seen in other brain lesions.
Neck stiffness can also occurs in other types of headaches such as tension headaches. This type of headache is characterized by both shoulder and neck stiffness.
The blurred vision is concerning, if no visual defect was found when you were seen then you can consider having it reassessed if it continues.
If anything else unclear, please feel free to ask
Earache, burnig ear, slight headache, pressure headach , slight high bp, neck slightly stiff, blurry eyes, puffy eyes, swollen temple, slight, dizziness, are all alarming but seem to not co inside to subdural hemaoma . Am I correct in thinking this ? With kind reguards
you are correct
Detailed Answer:
Yes, you are correct that the symptoms do not necessarily indicate that there is any bleed to the brain.
You can continue to monitor
You can feel free to contact if there are any other queries