Suggest Treatment For Hip Pain And Bursitis
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome
Your concern is appreciated
Bursa is fluid filled sac that act as coution between tendons etc. It can be inflammed causing pain . It can also get infected for wich antibiotics is necessary in the treatment, fluid drainge is also done from the bursa, cortisone injection provide quick relief, non infected bursitis can be treated with rest , ice , prevented by weight reduction, using comfortable foot wear, correcting your posture avoiding exercise on inclined sufaces etc. It gets relieved with in a week or two with treatment usually.
The fact that you has stenosis and the pain is from hip to ankle so it can be due to nerve compression for that u need to do MRI spine. Although surgery can be offered after assesing the degree of compression but main stay of treatment is anti inflammator meds like NSAIDs because in half of cases there is still residual pain after surgery .
For GI protection you can take PPIs simultaneously with it.
Hope it helps
wishing you best of health
Please consult your doctor before taking any further course of action
Dr. M.S Khalil