Suggest Treatment For Hypercholesterolemia
Besides cholesterol medicine what other testing can be done? I believe this is stemming from something else going on. He has a fatty liver and had his gall bladder out in February due to failure. No Doctor had ever tested his cholesterol and he is not feeling well at all.
severe Hypercholesterolemia needs management
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
Hypercholesterolemia that severe needs to be managed on urgent basis or it may lead to alot of complications like pancreatitis , embolism and cardiac troubles etc.
Get him tested for ischemic heart diseases, cerebrovascular troubles, aortic stenosis and other vascular patencies, familial tendencies to rule out familial cause and any deficiency of cholesterol metabolism. Hypothyroidism, diabetes , renal diseases, hepatic diseases etc to rule out secondary Hypercholesterolemia. Also I would advise lipoprotein electrophoresis to rule out any familial cause for Hypercholesterolemia.
Strictly follow new guidelines for diet
as 20 to 30 gm per day fiber intake, 50 percent energy from complex carbohydrates like grains and fruits etc, avoiding saturated fats and transport fats, using plant sterol, etc.
Other than lipid lowering agent weight management and loss , aerobic toning exercises, niacin, bile acid sequestrants, ezitimibe and HMG reductase inhibitors are some options.
Get to an endocrinologist and lipid specialist and a qualified nutritionist and let them take care of your son.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and your son and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.