Suggest Treatment For Inflamed Tonsils
I have been diagnosed with LPR and I am wondering on an MRI two years ago it said I had prominent lingual tonsils, again this year I had an MRI and it said I had prominent lingual tonsils. How long can my tonsils be inflamed before something more serious happens. I have tried everything to control this supposed reflux that I never feel, and it seems like I am chasing circles to find answers and am worried that it will never get better!
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Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
1. If you have been extensively investigated and treated for LPR without success, it is time to get the following tests done.
2. I need to see images or a video of the lingual tonsil. These can be obtained by a Videolaryngoscopy or a Flexible Nasopharyngoscopy.
3. After removal of the tonsils, the lingual tonsil can take on the functioning of the tonsil. It is chronic and not a cause for worry, but it causes discomfort to the patient. It should respond to treatment including a short course of steroids.
4. Food Intolerance, allergy testing, tests for h. pylori, an Abdominal USG (Ultrasound) to rule out hiatus (sliding) hernia and a review of any side effects of your current medication (you can provide a list) are required.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.
I have had a videolaryngoscopy, and an MRI, that I cannot upload at this time, but they just say prominence of the lingual tonsil. If this sufficient enough to rule out anything horrible? It has been two years, without any major changes for the worse, but a low-grade chronic throat situation.
2. I have a slight hiatal hernia, that the gastro said wouldn't do much, and I have been tested intolerance mildly to all grains and eggs. I have not stayed away from these intolerances. My allergies are dust mites, trees, pollens and I did have slight relief from a nasal steroid.
If I chew gum, I am fine.
Details as discussed below:
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for writing back.
1. There is no major problem expected with chronic enlargement of lingual tonsils except the chronic throat discomfort and perhaps a foreign body sensation while swallowing.
2. I recommend a short course of steroids and sustained anti-allergy and anti-reflux medication for 8 to 12 weeks. Medicated gargles help. Household remedies such as turmeric in warm milk are useful. It is important to avoid food allergy and intolerance.
3. The mild hiatus hernia will always contribute to some amount of reflux. However, with the above treatment and measures, you should be comfortable.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.