Suggest Treatment For Intestinal Obstruction
Surgery is invasive but permanent solution
Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome to HCM.
First,the cause of possible intestinal obstruction should be determined.
if you had previous surgical procedures then this is most likely to be caused by intraabdominal adhesions. Other causes can be tumors or inflammatory bowel diseases. In all these cases it may cause pain, bloating and vomit and it may pass on conservative therapy as is in your case. You will first need to arrive at the diagnosis to recommend surgery. Please discuss with your doctor about doing a CT abdomen or USG abdomen/pelvis. This will show what exactly is causing this obstruction and then the management plan can be charted out.
But obviously symptoms are back,and there is some more significant obstruction of intestinal tract.
It means that it can pass again with no surgery but probably it will come back again and this is a reasond why surgery is recommended since this is only ways to find exact cause and achieve permanent solution.
you should eat more liquid food, take spasmex and ranitidinum, avoid overeating. but if there is mechanic obstruction then no diet can help.In case of symptom worsening, you should see doctor as soon as possible.
Wish you good health. Regards