Suggest Treatment For Leucoderma
Yes you can
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That would depend on whether the peyronie bothers your Sexual life, whether it is painful , whether the curvature is extreme and prevents the normal coitus or is painful. Collagenases like xiaflex and antioxidants like Vitamin e etc helps.avoidance of trauma or any aggressive coital techniques is forbidden. Better to get assessed by your doctor and let them decide what is best for you. That hypopigmentation aka leukoderma has many etiologies from vitiligo to lichen plans and many other beyond the scope of this discussion.a competent dermatologist will help you better in this regard.
What you can do is get to them and do as directed and try not to self medicate or treat.
You will be fine. I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.