Suggest Treatment For Lump On Right Thumb Knuckle
Sudden lump on right Thumb knuckle/ Under Evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans-Sudden lump on right Thumb knuckle/ Under Evaluation.
My Impression-Prima facie-Distal Mucous Cyst of the Right Thumb(also known as Myxoid Cyst /or pseducyst)
-Other cause needs further information and assessment.
Hi,Dear,Thanks for the query to Virtual Clinic at HCM.
Reviewed your query facts and understood your health concerns.
My Prima Facie information-
Sudden Lump on the Knuckle could be due to -
?DMC cyst -Distal Mucous Cyst of the Right Thumb(also known as Myxoid Cyst /or pseducyst)
?This could be Ganglion Cyst of psoriatic arthritis / tenosynovitis of the thumb knuckle of the DIP joint.
Would suggest You, to have CT /Xray study to assess the nature of the lump.
More Information please for more definite reply?
Please update if it is painful or painless.
Also update if you have any nail paring or injury to nail bed or nail base -lately?
Will you please update the picture of the right thumb knuckle Lump,which will give needed information to resolve the health issue of this sudden.
Welcome for any further query in this regard?
After receiving the above info,I would love to reply your query in the next session.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist