Suggest Treatment For Lymphedema
Please give additional information and post investigations and photos
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To recapitulate: Female/90 (Mother) - lymphedema - excruciating in legs - lot of medical issues - wants to know whether some kind of treatment is available - Doctor suggested possibly 3 days of dialysis ...
Surely, yes. Treatment is available, depends upon the cause and the primary and secondary effects, the original cause of edema, confirmation of cause of edema and so on.
Please give some additional information for me to assist better:
Since when is the edema present?
Are the toes of feet involved or spared means toes are normal?
What are the medical conditions does she have and are these problems under control or not.
Any investigations?
What is the treatment being given?
Any other information that you can please share.
Also post clear and focused photos of affected area as these help in on-the-spot diagnosis in some cases.
With regards.
Thank you for getting back to me. I hope this will be enough information.
The edema has been progressively worse since Oct. 2016. I don't think the toes are involved.Medical conditions: Pulmonary hypertension,CHF, Stage 4 renal failure,Diabetes, gout all under control I think. Also she has two prosthetic heart valves. (Aortic and Mitral). And last but not least A-Fib. I have pictures but don't know how to send them.As far as I know no investigations have been done and the only treatment she received was to increase the diuretics. Thank you for your help.N
As discussed in details below.
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If the toes are not involved at all, are of normal size in spite of edema of the legs an feet, this is most probably lymphedema and has no specific treatment as such.
Since your Mother has multiple problems as you have mentioned almost all of them can contribute to the edema/lymphedema along with other general factors like anemia, hypoproteinemia, deficiency of many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Ideally blood should be sent for all such tests and the deficiency should be treated as per the reports which may help to solve her problems.
Since she has sedentary life, it adds to the problems; ultrasonography with color doppler may be needed if varicose veins and such local problems are suspected or to be ruled out.
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I have sent 3 photo attachments. I hope you receive them.
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USG and venous color doppler can give the better diagnosis.
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Thanks for your pictures.
There is swelling of the toes also.
Ultrasonography with venous color doppler of both lower limbs can give a better diagnosis. Please get this done. And also color doppler to be continued in the abdomen to see if there is any obstruction to the venous flow. This also gets the knowledge about the inguinal and intra-abdominal lymph node status.
I'm glad you got the photos. I will let my mother know about your suggestions and go from there. Thank you so much foe all of your help.
Thanks for your appreciation.
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you are most welcome.
I will be happy to know the reports.
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I shall be waiting for the reports