My mother has got all test done.. I am sending pdf of all the documents (with picture of CTscan) in your account at YYYY@YYYY . Also, below I have added summary of that report.
In general, Patient (my mother) feels very weak. She is taking the iron supplement regularly. She gets cramps in leg.. (in hindi: she says: pair khichna..)..She has stopped taking the other medicine which she was taking before (as I mentioned in my first message). These days she gets some pain but has not been too bad.
Also, we heard from Dr. XXXXXXX that when you visit Bokaro, you see patients.. I wanted to ask if you have plan of visiting Bokaro and if yes, where do you sit so that my parents can get appointment. Also, what is the best way of getting information about your visit to Bokaro and seeing patients so that my parents can try to get appointment and meet you in future as well (if they are in need of medical attention).
Here is summary of the report:
Ultra sound scan of Abdomen:
a) Liver: normal size - 143mm. No focal space occupying lesion is seen
Liver parenchyma is of moderately increased echogenicity, Intra hepatic biliary channels are not dilated.Common bile duct 1s normal rn s1ze - 4 mm. Portal Vein is normal in size - 12 mm
"Gall bladder is normal and distended. Lumen is echo free."
"Wall is not thickened. No calculus, mass or sludge."
"Appears normal in size and echotexture. No focallesion is seen within pancreas."
"Spleen is normal in size- 94 mm. No focal or diffuse lesion seen. KIDNEYS:"
"Rt. Kidney is normal measures- 90x34 mm. Echogenicity is normal. Cortical thickness is normal, Corticomedullary demarcation·is intact."
"Pelvicalyceal system is not dilated. 1"
"Lt. Kidney is normal measures- 91x40 mm. Eclilogenicity is normal. Cortical thickness is normal, Corticomedullary demarcation is intact."
"Pelvicalyceal system is not dilated ."
Both ureters are not visualized at the time of scanning:
Normal distended UB is noted.
There is no evidence of any vesicle or SOL.
Wall of UB is normal. PVRU -insignificant.
Anteverted Normal in size. No sac or mass is seen.
Measures- 56x33x42 mm.
Myometrium is of homogenous echotexture
Endometrium is not thickened ET- 4 mm.
Rt ovary size - 26x13 mm, Lt ovary size -18 x 14 mm.
No collection in POD.
Adnexae are free.
There is no evidence of any lympho- adenopathy.
No free intraperitoneal fluid seen.
No significant finding in RIF.
Fatty liver.
HBsAg : Negative
Haemoglobin (Hb)" "9.5" "gm / dL"
"Blood Sugar Fasting" "87" "mg/dl"
"Serum Creatinine" "0.8" "mg/dl"
"Liver Function Test-" "" "" ""
Bilirubin (Total)" "0.7" "mg/dl"
"Serum Bilirubin (Direct)" "0.5" "mg/dl"
"Serum Bilirubin (Indirect)" "0.2" "mg/dl"
"Serum alkaline Phosphate" "11" "K. A. uts"
"·serum G.P.T" "77" "U/L"
"SerumG.O.T" "39" "UIL"
"Serum Total Protein" "6.9" "gm/dl"
"Serum Total Albumin" "4.3" "gmldl"
"Serum Total Globulin" "2.6" "gmldl"
"Vitamin B-12 (Serum)" "712.45" "pg/mL"
Hepatitis C Virus Antibody.,(HCV) Screening" : 0.19
"Methodology : ELISA"
"Specimen : Serum"
"Vitamins D3": "24.75" ng/ml
"25 Hydroxy (OH) VitD,Serum by EIA"
Serum Hormone examination
"Total Tri-iodothyronine (T3)" 1.24 ng/mL"
"Total Thyroxine (T4)" "12.31 neuIg/dl"
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)" "1.49 neulU / mL"
"Haemoglobin Alc" "=" "6.5 %"