Suggest Treatment For Pain And Swelling In Hand
First 24 hrs is the most important phase..
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXXXXX XXXX, Welcome to HCM,
I've gone through your query and understand your concern..
Well from your description it seems like a pulled muscle or tendon, can even be slipped tendon surrounding the wrist joint..the area your pointing is sounding like the anatomical snuff box(the triangular groove right after your base of the thumb )..
Firstly you need to keep the thumb immobilized, a simple splint would'll keep the thumb parallel to the rest of the fingers and straight..
Don't try to move it at all and observe the size of the swelling, color around it and further worsening of the pain..any black-reddish discoloration over the area means there must be broken blood vessel in that area..
Don't try to rub the area , it'll further worsen it.. simply put some ice-pack compression or a bag of frozen peas over it several times a day and observe..
Take simple analgesic like Tab PARACETAMOL(Tylenol) 650 mg three times a day after food for next 2-3 days, it'll help with the pain..
I'd not suggest any essential oils over that area as it involves further rubbing and friction, which is going to be deleterious ..
First 24 hrs is the most important phase, however if you feel like it's still getting worse or any further swelling or discoloration, then you need to go to your nearest Orthopedician to get it checked out as well as X-ray of the Wrist joint to avoid any further complication..
Let me know how you stay in the due course..
Take Care
Kind Regards