Suggest Treatment For Pain In The Tonsil Area While Having Throat Infection
I have a throat infection inflamation or what you call it. Extreme pain on just right side around the tonsil when i swallow Spit or strain throat.
Went to doc and She says it must be virus not bacterial so no medicin.
However. I read that when bacterial there is no cold or flu symptoms. Had some fever comes and goes but other than that none of this virus explained symptoms like running nose etc.
We took a swab test that took Five minutes to get an answer from. Did not show anything strep.
What do u think. Can it still be bacterial ?
Oh and lymph is very sore om same side by the jawbone
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back to HCM!
Regarding your concern, I would explain that it is quite difficult to differentiate between a bacterial and viral throat infection.
The symptoms are very similar.
The lymph node can be painful and increased in size in both types of infection, because they are the sign of inflammation (the lymph nodes contain white blood cells which are the solders of our blood army against foreign enemies, which can be virus or bacteria).
The negative swab test is very reassuring that it is not strep.
In bacterial infection usually the doctor can also see changes in the color of your tonsils (like white spots, a white cover, etc.), while in viral infection there is only redness and swelling during all the time.
From the other hand the presence of running nose is a more common sign of viral infection.
What is your actual body temperature? Do you have fevers above 38.5°C?
Anyway, I agree with your doctor advise of not starting antibiotics. I would recommend taking acetaminophen 500mg or ibuprofen 400mg three times daily to help with the pain and inflammation.
If your symptoms persists or even get worse, in the next three days, you should consult with your doctor again.
A throat bacterial culture would be more reassuring compared to the swab test that there is not bacterial infection in your throat.
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
Let me know about everything!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri
Last night I woke up many times because of the pain, it is so bad when I swallow that i tense up in the body. Also I had very bad pain in the chest the one time I woke up this night, but wasnt really awake so fell back to sleep.
this morning I wake with same pain, but now I also have heart palpitations. I think maybe about 90 bpm resting. But no big fever really. Can it be because the strain of last nght with all the trouble, or is it because the body is fighting the infection?
It is only onesided- and the stuff I read on internet all says that if one side and not really flu symptoms, it may be bacterial and seek doctor.
The swabtest I took...i thought that WASbacterial culture?
It took five minutes t get the answer.
Edit: I only had that chest pain the one time I woke up. Not this morning/day. Now just elevated pulse.
No, fever is about 38 XXXXXXX when I get it, and NO RUNNING NOSE.
Thats what so weird. I got the fever some time ago, and never godt "ill". And then the throat, but still never get ill like the flu etc.
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
Thank you for the additional information!
I would explain that it is quite normal to have some palpitations during an infection (viral or bacterial).
It is a normal physiological reaction to the pain and inflammation.
From your symptoms it is really difficult to distinguish if it is a viral or bacterial infection.
Coming to this point, I would recommend performing a complete blood count (which would show increased granulocytes in case of bacterial infection) and a throat bacterial culture (which is the best test to totally exclude a bacterial infection).
In the meantime, I recommend taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen which will definitely make you feel better.
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
I remain at your disposal whenever you need!
Dr. Iliri
I Went to ER and they took an CRP which is a little prick in the finger you know?
It was measured at 26.
So he Said not really sure but I will give you antibiotics because of the pain on one side and the elevated crp
I got erymax
Don you agree?
My opinion:
Detailed Answer:
Hi again!
Regarding CRP it is usually elevated in both bacterial and viral infections, because of inflammation. So we can not judge if it is viral or bacterial infection.
But the fact that the pain in on one side would be a strong argument in favor of bacterial infection.
Anyway a complete blood count and a throat bacterial culture (which needs up to three days to have the results) would be the best tests to differentiate if it is a bacterial infection.
Coming to this point, I would recommend taking erymax (even though you didn't perform the above tests).
If your symptoms (throat pain, fever) are relieved in the next couple of days, it would indicate that a bacterial infection is present and this antibiotic is effective against the bacteria.
Otherwise, you should re-consult with your attending physician and perform at least a complete blood count, in order to decide to continue or not on erymax as prescribed.
Let me know about everything!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri
Wonder if I should wait untl tomorrow to begin taking it. Just a couple hrs ago my fever got a bit more. Dont know
Just cant wait until this is over.
Cant even swallow the pills but the farmacy said i could break them and swallow the insides.
I heard though, erymax is bad for the stomach?
My answer as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Yes, erymax can cause stomach irritation.
I recommend taking an antiacid or omeprazole to help prevent this. Or you can wait to take it only if you have troubles with your stomach after starting erymax.
Anyway, considering your situation, I would recommend starting erymax tonight. There is no meaning to wait until tomorrow if you have already bought the drug.
If you do not have the drug and can take it only tomorrow, I would recommend taking ibuprofen 400mg for the pain and the fever. It will help you get through the night without so much troubles.
If you have any other uncertainties, do not hesitate to ask me!
Dr. Iliri
It's good to know we have someone we can ask about all this. Technology huh...
What is better now: Cold drinks, or hot drinks?
PS. When I look in throat, I only see redness and some swelling. So did the ER doctor. Not the white spots supposed to show from strep.
My answer as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hi again!
Well, regarding cold or hot drinks there is not really a definite recommendation.
It is recommendable to eat foods and drink fluids that help soothe your throat (for example, drink warm liquids such as tea or clear broth; eat cold treats such as ice cream, frozen yogurt or popsicles; let ice chips melt in your mouth). Gargle with warm salt water, which help also kill the bacteria.
So, hope you will get better soon!
As I already advised you ibuprofen can help you relieve the pain and feel better.
Let me know about everything!
Wishing all the best,
Dr. Iliri
My throat is much much less painful today.
Is that a sign of this being virus after all?
What i am waiting to see is if it just now will change side. The other tonsil
Hopefully not.
I would explain as follows:
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Hello again!
You should know that the effect of ibuprofen lasts up to 8 hours, which means that the reason that you feel better may be related to ibuprofen effect.
Anyway, in bacterial infection the symptoms persist and even worsen in the next days, without using antibiotics.
While in viral infections the symptoms usually recover without taking antibiotics in the next days.
So if you feel better during the day, compared to yesterday, even without taking ibuprofen, it may be a sign of viral infection.
In such case there is no need to start antibiotics.
Keep me informed about everything!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri
Yes, I feel it still. ts not gone. But before taking ibux last night, i had a elevation in fever, and when that happende, it felt like the throat was getting a little better? Weird.
However, i feel its not gone, but much better. Its been 10-11 hours since ibux now. So I am just getting some food and liquid in me before it comes back and while i can still swallow.
Thanx doc
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Coming to this point, I would not recommend taking ibuprofen and wait to see if your situation will worsen again like yesterday, or you will feel better spontaneously ( ibuprofen can mask inflammation symptoms like pain and fever).
If your situation gets worse than yesterday, you may need to start antibiotics.
I would be happy to answer to all your questions!
Dr. Iliri