Suggest Treatment For Persistent Pain In The Head
Head pain and weak facial muscle
Detailed Answer:
Good evening young lady. Thank you so much for your question.
Please provide more information if possible. Please describe the head pain that started 2 months ago. Is it a very bad headache or just an achiness? Is there any nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or sound? Is a throbbing or achy type of pain? Burning or vice like pressure around the whole head? Which muscle is weak..forehead, mouth, cheek?
Whenever a person complains of a weak facial muscle on only one side of the face and headache then, one possibility would be a BELL'S PALSY...another possibility could be a chronic other words a stroke you may have had 2 months ago when your head pain started that you may not have recognized at the time resulting in a facial weakness that never got better and the headache remained.
If you can provide a photo of your face then, it may be easier to understand what things look like and whether this was a stroke vs. Bell's palsy. For example, in stroke, the eyelid on the affected side may be weak and not able to be OPENED all the way compared to the good side while in Bell's palsy the eyelid on the affected side fails to CLOSE all the way and as a result the eye may become irritated, red, and teary.
What's to be done is rather a simple suggestion which is you need to see your a neurologist who is willing to GIVE YOU A DIAGNOSIS and based upon that it would be more fair to decide what could or could not be done. I think it would be blood work and perhaps an MRI of the brain.
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This query has utilized a total of 29 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.