Suggest Treatment For Plantar Fasciitis
ice therapy, exercises, shoe modification, meds if needed
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Plantar fasciitis is pain cause by irritation at the point where certain tissue (called the plantar fascia) attach to a bone in the ankle.
Traditional treatment protocols involve 6 weeks of : (1) icing the area
This can be done after completing a recommended exercise, stretching/strengthening
Can be done as ice massage (rubbing/massaging ice over area for 5 to 10 mins), ice pack (15 to 20 mins) or ice bath (10 to 15 mins, keeping toes out of water)
(2) relative rest- reducing any activities that aggravate the area
(3)stretching and strengthening exercises - there are specific exercises that may help. These are available online with images attached so that you can see exactly how to do the exercise
Search for stretching and strengthening exercises for plantar fasiitis
(4)modifying shoes or using shoe inserts to help
(5)strapping or taping of the ankle area and foot may also help
(6)pain medication as needed
After the initial 6 weeks if there is no improvement then night splints may also be needed along with the above
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions