Suggest Treatment For Rectal Bleeding While Having Diarrhea
Rectal bleeding post-loose motions / Under Evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Brief Ans- Rectal bleeding post-loose motions / Under Evaluation
It is not the symptom of heat exhaustion.It's mostly from accompanied undetected internal piles, which got bled after diarrhoea caused from running.
Hi,Dear!! Thanks for the query to HCM.
Read and reviewed the query in context to your health issues, which are
-Pain in abdomen with passage of dark blood in stools, post-diarrhoea after running in heat.
More details would be needed,for exploring further suggestions in your case.
My Impression-
In the given scenario,You seem to suffer from-aggravated IBS,which lead to diarrhoea and fatigue with pain in abdomen.
The cramps you had could be from electrolyte imbalance from diarrhoea you had after the run.Heat does not seem to be main-causal factor for the cramps you had.
The nausea and weakness / fatigue you had seems to be from aggravated undetected IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) from bacterial entero-colitis.
The pains in abdomen,seem to be due to accompanied entero-colitis.
?Cause of dark red blood?heat exhaustion?-
Ans-In the given scenario,the cause of dark red blood-seems to be from undetected internal piles,which lead to bleeding after diarrhoeal attack you had after running.
Therefore rectal bleeding does not seem to be a symptom of heat exhaustion.
Do's suggested-
In the given situation, I would suggest you to Consult with Surgeon and verify if rectal bleeding happened due to accompanied hidden, undetected piles.
Get proctoscopy and anal examination to assess the cause of undetected IBS with ? undetected internal piles, to find out cause of rectal bleeding in your case.
-On the above you would need to be assessed by Surgeon's Consults,who accordingly would suggest further care to you.
Hope this reply would reduce worries with your health issues and would help you to plan further proper care,with help of doctors there.
Dear, If you want more explanations for few more queries, You are welcome.
Hope this would help you to plan further for this complex health issue of yours.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-
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Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N. XXXXXXX Surgical Specialist