Suggest Treatment For Red Dots On Penis After Unprotected Intercourse
About a week later I was given the results and everything came back negative. I was still very scared and having tons of anxiety around 6 week and lost my appetite and dropped some weight I believe do to some of the stress of this situation. I bought some additional HIV testing and took them at 7 weeks or 49 days after possible exposure. The tests I took at 7 weeks was the HIV 1 RNA QL TMA (which I was told that 28 days the results are 99% accurate and conclusive) and the HIV 1/2 Antigen/Antibody, 4th generation W/RFL HIV AG/AB, 4th Generation (which I was told is 97% to 99% accurate at 7 weeks and would be conclusive at 12 weeks). Both test came back negative and I was also told that the 4th generation test confirms the results of the HIV RNA test and have nothing to worry about and that I am HIV negative. I am still freaking out and having stress hives on my legs and sometimes on my forearms only that appear quickly and are gone right away like 5 to 30 mins. This was a huge mistake and I want to make sure I am okay. Can someone please assist me?
Chances of HIV is almost nil. Allay fears.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the query. I am Dr Bharatesh D Basti answering your query.
Welcome to health care magic. I have gone through the details and can make out your anxiety.
Hiv1 PCR is negative after 7 weeks.It is >99.5% sensitive after 10-12 days of exposure. It detects the RNA part of HIV1.So you can totally allay fears of HIV1.HIV 1 is the most common type.
HIV2 is very rare in certain parts of world like XXXXXXX countries or if exposed to person of XXXXXXX orgin.So it is very unlikely.The chances are nil.
Moreover 4th generation tests detects antigen and antibodies( to HIV 1&2).Usually antibodies are formed by 2-6 weeks .In few individuals it may take until 12 weeks.So unlikely to come Positive for HIV2 later.
The symptoms of weight loss may be due to anxiety or stress.Just relax, have a protein rich balanced diet.
Hives is due to allergy and is not specific to HIV.
The chances of HIV is nil.I would anyway suggest you to go for antibodies test after 12 weeks to be totally conclusive.
You can allay fears of HIV.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Dermatologist and venerologist
Test after 12 weeks is for HIV 2 and reconfirm HIV 1
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
Yes the combo test will reconfirm the RNA test.They confirm by detection of antibodies. They detect HIV 2 as antibodies too but are confirmatory after 12 weeks.
The symptoms are non specific and can be due to any allergy or infection.
The chances of tests coming positive after 5 weeks is almost nil.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Better to go for conclusive tests
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
They do appear like hives.They are not related to HIV.
The chances of HIV is almost nil.But it may be better to go for conclusive tests to be on safe side.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti
Conclusive after 12 weeks.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for follow up query.
The test is almost conclusive.The odds of test coming positive 5 weeks after the last test is almost zero.Go for test to be conclusive after 12 weeks.
It would be waste to go for tests again at 10 weeks.
You can relax for now.
You can get back for any clarification.
Thank you
Dr Bharatesh D Basti